Thursday, 21 September |
12:00-14:00 |
Registration and posters set-up |
14:00-14:30 |
Welcome and Opening of the Congress Awarding of the Luca Daveggio prize |
14:30-15:30 |
Keynote Lecture Chair: Paolo Pinton Tullio Pozzan (Padua, Italy) |
15:30-16:30 |
Session 1: Tissue regeneration and engineering Chair: Antonio Musarò Michele De Luca (Modena, Italy) Nicola Elvassore (Padua, Italy) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-18:00 |
Keynote Lecture Chair: Antonio Musarò Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte (La Jolla, CA, USA) |
18:00-19:00 |
Flash poster presentations Chair: Antonella De Matteis |
19:00-21:00 |
Poster session 1 |
21:00 |
Buffet dinner |
Friday, 22 September |
9:00-10:30 |
Session 2: Quantitative gene regulation at high resolution Chair: Diego di Bernardo Stirling Churchman (Boston, MA, USA) Davide Cacchiarelli (Pozzuoli, NA, Italy) Massimiliano Pagani (Milan, Italy) |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Keynote Lecture Chair: Irene Bozzoni Nikolaus Rajewsky (Berlin, Germany) |
12:00-13:30 |
Session 3: RNA in health and disease Chair: Giulia Piaggio Jeroen Pasterkamp (Utrecht, Netherlands) Irene Bozzoni (Rome, Italy) Davide Gabellini (Milan, Italy) |
13:30-14:30 |
Lunch break |
15:00-18:30 |
Parallel Sessions A. From stress response to tissue development and regeneration B. Signalling, membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis |
18:30-20:30 |
Poster session 2 |
20:30 |
Buffet dinner |
Saturday, 23 September |
9:00-10:00 |
Keynote Lecture Chair: Letizia Lanzetti Angela Nieto (Alicante, Spain) |
10:00-12:00 |
Session 4: Cell migration and EMT in cell homeostasis, inflammation and cancer Chair: Ruggero Pardi Ronen Alon (Rehovot, Israel) |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
Gerhard Christofori (Basel, Switzerland) Giorgio Scita (Milan, Italy) |
12:00-13:00 |
The EMBO Keynote Lecture Chair: Eelco van Anken Peter Walter (San Francisco, CA, USA) |
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch break |
15:00-16:30 |
Session 5: Signalling and trafficking Chair: Monica Fabbri Tomas Kirchhausen (Boston, MA, USA) Sara Sigismund (Milan, Italy) Alberto Luini (Naples, Italy) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-18:00 |
"Guido Tarone" Keynote Lecture Chair: Andrea Ballabio David Sabatini (Cambridge, MA, USA) |
18:30-19:30 |
ABCD Assembly |
20:30 |
Social dinner (Palazzo Isolani, Bologna) |
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You are expected to have your poster up the latest by lunchtime of the day of your session. Posters should be taken down immediately after your session. Posters left behind will be removed and discarded by the venue personnel.
P1.A.1 • Davide Andrenacci (Bologna)
Nuclear lamina regulates transposable elements activation
P1.A.2 • Silvia Antonini (Novara)
Clovamide protects mesenchymal stem cells and cardiac progenitor cells from H2O2-induced oxidative stress
P1.A.3 • Francesca Ascenzi (Rome)
Role of IGF-1 in sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity
P1.A.4 • Isabella Azario (Monza)
Neonatal umbilical cord blood transplantation halts disease progression in the murine model of MPS-I
P1.A.5 • Anna Benedetti (Rome)
Role of PKC-theta in satellite cell behavior in normal and dystrophic muscle
P1.A.6 • Elisa Caffarelli (Rome)
The neuronal long noncoding RNA linc-NeD125 controls the expression of Group 4 medulloblastoma driver genes, acting as a microRNA sponge
P1.A.7 • Giovanna Calabrese (Catania)
Cells and 3D scaffolds as a model system for osteo-chondral regeneration in vivo
P1.A.8 • Maria Carbone (Naples)
Isolation and characterization of epithelial-mesenchymal transitioned circulating tumor cells from patients with metastatic breast cancer
P1.A.9 • Serena Carra (Modena)
Aberrant self-assembly of HSPB2 mislocalizes LMNA and compromises nuclear integrity and function
P1.A.10 • Marina Ceccarini (Rome)
CRISPR/Cas9-targeted correction of MLC1 mutations in iPSC-derived astrocytes from patients with MLC
P1.A.11 • Federica Cermola (Naples)
Vitamin C and L-Proline antagonistic effects capture alternative states in the pluripotency continuum
P1.A.12 • Aurora Chinnici (Palermo)
Glutamine deprivation in breast cancer as combinatorial tool in targeted therapy
P1.A.13 • Francesca Corsi (Rome)
Cerium oxide nanoparticles as possible agents contrasting therapy-induced cancer cell repopulation via COX-2 inhibition
P1.A.14 • Sara Credendino (Naples)
Functional studies of a long noncoding RNA reveal its essential role in development
P1.A.15 • Alessandro Cutarelli (Trento)
In vitro generation of cortical GABAergic interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells
P1.A.16 • Elisa De Paola (Rome)
A miRNA-based mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation fine-tunes FET protein expression during neural differentiation
P1.A.17 • Giorgia di Blasio (Rome)
Estrogen modulate cisplatin sensitivity of fibrosarcoma in M4-transgenic mice
P1.A.18 • Viviana di Giacomo (Chieti)
A newly synthesized fibrate derivative reduces oxidative stress and inhibits apoptosis occurrence in CTX-TNA2 rat astrocyte cell line treated with a PPARγ antagonist
P1.A.19 • Andrea Disanza (Milan)
The role of IRSp53 in placental formation and embryonic development
P1.A.20 • Elvira Famulari (Turin)
Cell therapy for Crigler-Najjar type I syndrome using human adult liver stem cells
P1.A.21 • Laura Forcina (Rome)
mIGF-1 over-expression ameliorates dystrophic muscle niche improving the efficacy of DMD therapies in mdx mice
P1.A.22 • Elisa Franforte (Udine)
A lack in MEF2D-HDAC9 feed-back mechanism is relevant for leiomyosarcomagenesis
P1.A.23 • Manuel Galli (Monza)
A piece of software for the ensemble pixel-by-pixel classification of bioptic specimens by MALDI-MSI
P1.A.24 • Lina Ghibelli (Rome)
Metronomic doses of etoposide induce caspase-2-dependent but caspase-3-independent apoptosis via DNA damage response: implications for post-therapy cancer cell repopulation
P1.A.25 • Luisa Iommarini (Bologna)
Targeting respiratory complex I prevents HIF1α-mediated hypoxic adaptation during tumor progression
P1.A.26 • Chiara Lanzuolo (Milan)
Dysfunctional programming of muscle stem cells in Emery Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy (EDMD)
P1.A.27 • Erica Leonetti (Rome)
Microgravity promotes gap junctional contact formation in TCam-2 seminoma cells grown in low adhesion as embryoid bodies
P1.A.28 • Arturo Machuca-Parra (Boston, MA, USA)
Retinal damage in a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
P1.A.29 • Tullia Maraldi (Modena)
Nuclear redox control of stem cell ageing
P1.A.30 • Francesca Matteini (Rome)
Functional interaction between MyoD and PARP-1 in the regulation of the p57-KvDMR1 locus
P1.A.31 • Monica Montesi (Faenza)
Platelet-rich plasma as potential tool for tendon healing: an in vitro pilot study on human tenocytes
P1.A.32 • Claudia Morganti (Ferrara)
Mitochondria-nucleus communication in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation: key role of citrate transporter
P1.A.33 • Immacolata Cristina Nettore (Naples)
Study of the mechanisms by which Selenium protects against apoptosis in thyroid follicular cells
P1.A.34 • Valeria Noce (Rome)
Role of SUBSTRATE STIFFNESS and mechano-sensor YAP in hepatocyte differentiation
P1.A.35 • Alice Pasini (Cesena)
Novel polyamine-conjugates targeting histone deacetylases and DNA for cancer phenotype reprogramming
P1.A.36 • Mauro Patrone (Alessandria)
HMGB1: from inflammation to new tissue
P1.A.37 • Daniela Pignataro (Pavia)
The splicing program of SRSF1 transcripts is finely tuned by cell metabolism
P1.A.38 • Davide Pradella (Pavia)
Nova2 alternative splicing regulation of the Netrin receptor Unc5b during angiogenesis
P1.A.39 • Alberto Quattrocchi (Latina)
Characterization of CALR 3’UTR functions in normal hematopoiesis and myeloproliferative neoplasms
P1.A.40 • Elia Ranzato (Alessandria)
Honey treatment for wound healing: AQP3 induction is a possible way of action?
P1.A.41 • Sebastiano Rontauroli (Modena)
miR-494-3p overexpression stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis in Primary Myelofibrosis hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells through SOCS6 downregulation
P1.A.42 • Isaline Rowe (Milan)
Global profiling in Polycystic Kidney Disease reveals a major metabolic rewiring with massive glutaminolysis and de novo fatty acids biosynthesis
P1.A.43 • Azzurra Sargenti (Bologna)
The involvement of magnesium in human mesenchymal stem cell reprogramming and differentiation
P1.A.44 • Nouha Setti (Nabeul, Tunisia)
Let-7c miRNA levels in urine discriminate bladder cancer patients from healthy subjects
P1.A.45 • Matteo Sorge (Turin)
Melusin protects the heart from doxorubicin toxicity by buffering ROS levels
P1.A.46 • Stefano Tagliatesta (Rome)
Link between 5-hydroxymethycytosine levels and TET enzymes transcription in human multiple sclerosis brain
P1.A.47 • Emanuela Teveroni (Rome)
Perivascular cells as a model to study the effect of estrogens on muscle differentiation impairment in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
P1.A.48 • Elena Torlai Triglia (Berlin, Germany)
Interplay between RNA polymerase II and Polycomb throughout terminal neuronal differentiation
P1.A.49 • Alice Turdo (Palermo)
Novel insights into the mechanisms of Vemurafenib resistance in melanoma stem cells
P1.A.50 • Veronica Veschi (Palermo)
Dissecting the epigenetic landscape in CD44v6+/- colon cancer cell subsets as a novel strategy of tailored therapy
P1.A.51 • Giulia Zanetti (Padua)
Botulinum neurotoxin C1 mutants reveal different effects of syntaxin or SNAP-25 proteolysis on neuromuscular transmission
P1.A.52 • Irene Zorzan (Padua)
Dissecting the role of TGFβ pathway in the human pluripotency network
P1.B.1 • Tiziana Anelli (Milan)
ERp44: controlling signaling and quality control in the IgM factory
P1.B.2 • Daniele Avanzato (Candiolo, TO)
High RN-tre/USP6NL levels in breast tumors sustain chronic AKT activation and GLUT1 membrane targeting promoting aerobic glycolysis
P1.B.3 • Tommaso Balestra (Bologna)
Zyxin role in Ewing sarcoma
P1.B.4 • Virginia Barone (Siena)
Identification and characterization of Calsequestrin-1 variants in patients affected by myopathies
P1.B.5 • Flavia Bernardi (Rome)
ERAP1 is a novel drug target in the oncogenic Hedgehog signaling pathway
P1.B.6 • Rebecca Bertolio (Trieste)
Mechanical cues control mutant p53 stability through a Mevalonate/RhoA axis
P1.B.7 • Maria Elena Bicchieri (Milan)
A whole-genome approach to identify microRNA “modifiers” of breast cancer stem cell self-renewal
P1.B.8 • Irene Brian (Padua)
dNTP metabolism is a key genetic program regulated by YAP/TAZ to control cancer growth and oncogene-induced senescence
P1.B.9 • Gaia Butera (Padua)
Molecular mechanism of regulation of mitochondrial calcium uptake in adult muscle fibres
P1.B.10 • Antonio Campo (Padua)
MicroRNA-1 targets MCU translation and modulates its mitochondrial content in physiologic and pathologic cardiac hypertrophy
P1.B.11 • Hugo Carvalho (Milan)
Co-regulation of the expression of the TRC40/Get3 receptor subunits by modulation of mRNA stability
P1.B.12 • Ivan Castello (Pozzuoli, NA)
Novel optogenetic approaches to pilot membrane trafficking
P1.B.13 • Davide Ceresa (Genoa)
Tracking PDGF-B induced glioma progression by genetic barcoding
P1.B.14 • Jennifer Chapelle (Turin)
p140Cap protein counteracts ERBB2-dependent tumor progression through inhibition of Rac dependent pathways
P1.B.15 • Roberta Chirillo (Catanzaro)
shRNA targeting of ferritin heavy chain activates H19/miR-675 axis in K562 cells
P1.B.16 • Laura Cinque (Pozzuoli, NA)
FGF-mediated regulation of lysosome biogenesis controls organismal growth
P1.B.17 • Antonino Colanzi (Naples)
GRASP65 controls Golgi position and structure during G2/M transition and cell migration by regulating local stability of microtubule cytoskeleton
P1.B.18 • David Colecchia (Siena)
Screening of a library of activated kinases identifies the IKBKE oncogene as a positive regulator of the autophagic process
P1.B.19 • Alexia Conte (Milan)
Integration of modeling and experiments to define principles of EGFR activation, endocytosis and intracellular signaling
P1.B.20 • Francesca Navone (Milan)
VAPB downregulation delays neurite elongation and alters phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate balance during differentiation of motor neuron-like NSC34 cells: implications for mutant VAPB-linked ALS
P1.B.21 • Marilisa Cortesi (Cesena)
MUSIQ: a reliable method for the quantification of E. coli single cell fluorescence distributions using a standard microscope set-up
P1.B.22 • Carolina D'Alesio (Genoa)
Carnosic acid in combination with Trastuzumab demonstrates anti-tumor cooperative activities in ERBB2 breast cancer cells
P1.B.23 • Maria Angela D'Amico (Chieti)
Increased VEGFR2 phosphorylation shows that angiogenic capacity is improved by exercise in aged mice
P1.B.24 • Alberto Danese (Ferrara)
Pathological mitophagy in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: a key determinant alteration
P1.B.25 • Ester De Leo (Rome)
Novel therapy in nephropathic cystinosis
P1.B.26 • Maria De Luca (Lecce)
Identification and characterization of a novel disease-causing RAB7A mutant protein
P1.B.27 • Maria Chiara De Santis (Turin)
PI3K-C2α regulates mitotic spindle assembly and chemotherapy response in breast cancer
P1.B.28 • Giulia Dell'Omo (Milan)
Inhibition of SIRT1 deacetylase uncouples anti-inflammatory and chemo-preventive actions of NSAIDs
P1.B.29 • Monica Fabbri (Milan)
Investigating the nuclear interactome of SQSTM1/p62
P1.B.30 • Mario Failli (Pozzuoli, NA)
A systems biology approach to membrane trafficking
P1.B.31 • Giovanna Farruggia (Bologna)
3D quantitative and ultrastructural analysis of mitochondria in a model of doxorubicin-resistant colon carcinoma cell line
P1.B.32 • Paola Festa (Zurich, Switzerland)
Impaired autophagy bridges lysosomal storage disease and epithelial dysfunction in the kidney
P1.B.33 • Maria Grazia Filippone (Milan)
Regulatory mechanisms implicated in the control of Numb asymmetric partitioning at mitosis of adult mammary stem cells
P1.B.34 • Fabrizio Fontana (Milan)
δ-Tocotrienol induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER)- and autophagy-mediated apoptosis in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) cells
P1.B.35 • Annamaria Fra (Brescia)
The new pathological variant of alpha-1-antitrypsin Trento (E75V) shows an uncommon polymerization profile
P1.B.36 • Carmela Fusco (San Giovanni Rotondo)
TRIM50 Acetylation controls Beclin-1 proautophagic activity
P1.B.37 • Veronica Galli (Bethesda, MD, USA)
MiRNAs levels in plasma induced by the ALVAC-SIV/gp120/alum HIV vaccine candidate correlate with decrease risk of SIV acquisition in macaques
P1.B.38 • Alessandra Ghigo (Turin)
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ inhibition boosts anthracycline efficacy by protecting the heart and unleashing anticancer immunity
P1.B.39 • Christina Glytsou (Padua)
Nitric Oxide-Associated 1 (NOA1) is part of the OPA1-containing complexes targeted during cell death
P1.B.40 • Federico Gulluni (Turin)
PtdIns(3,4)P2 controls ESCRT II/VPS36-mediated cytokinetic abscission
P1.B.41 • Aymone Gurtner (Rome)
Dysregulation of microRNA biogenesis in cancer: the impact of mutant p53 on Drosha complex activity
P1.B.42 • Ekaterina Ilyechova (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Heterogeneity of the mitochondrial compartment in rat liver
P1.B.43 • Alessandra Inguscio (Milan)
Mixed Lineage Kinase 3 controls paracrine interactions in inflammatory cell adhesion and migration
P1.B.44 • Mattia Laffranchi (Brescia)
The dominant polymerogenic Z mutant of alpha-1-antitrypsin traps milder variants by formation of heteropolymers in dilated cisternae of the ER
P1.B.45 • Elisa Lidron (Padua)
MCU knock-down impairs skeletal muscle and motor neuron development in zebrafish embryos
P1.B.46 • Bernadette Lombardi (Naples)
The oncogene Golph3 recycles lactosyl-ceramide synthase through the Golgi stack: from cisternal conversion to cell proliferation?
P1.B.47 • Arcangela Gabriella Manente (Novara)
Potential of epigenetic therapies in the management of malignant pleural mesothelioma
P1.B.48 • Miriam Martini (Turin)
PIk3C2G loss promotes pancreatic cancer through mtor regulation and metabolic rewiring
P1.B.49 • Fabiola Mascanzoni (Naples)
Role of the Golgi checkpoint in the control of mitotic processes
P1.B.50 • Maria Chiara Masone (Pozzuoli, NA)
The role of the PI4P binding protein FAPP1 at the Golgi complex
P1.B.51 • Giuseppe Merla (San Giovanni Rotondo)
Kabuki syndrome: a pathological example of the interplay between epigenetics and metabolism
P1.B.52 • Rosa Molfetta (Rome)
Mast cell-derived exosomes deliver functional IgE/Antigen complexes
P1.B.53 • Annamaria Morotti (Milan)
Long non-coding RNAs expression profiling in human parathyroid tumors
P1.B.54 • Alessandra Murabito (Turin)
cAMP Regulation by a PI3Kγ trojan peptide as a therapeutic strategy for obstructive airway diseases
P1.B.55 • Luca Natella (Rovereto)
A transcriptional signature of cigarette smoke exposure in airway epithelial cells
P1.B.56 • Simona Paladino (Naples)
Alteration of endosomal trafficking is associated with early-onset parkinsonism 20
P1.B.57 • Paola Panina (Milan)
Architectural and functional adjustment of the secretory pathway in decidualized endometrial stromal cells
P1.B.58 • Giuliana Papoff (Monterotondo, RM)
Caspase-4 silencing associates with impaired cell migration and cytoskeleton dinamics of human epithelial cancer cells
P1.B.59 • Silvia Parisi (Naples)
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from Wilson patients as model to study molecular mechanisms of the most frequent disease-causing mutation
P1.B.60 • Manpreet Patheja (Naples)
Mechanism of interaction of Glycerophosphoinositols and Shp1
P1.B.61 • Manuela Pellegrini (Rome)
Atm restoration recovers Atm-deficient phenotypes in Atm inducible mouse models
P1.B.62 • Francesca Marta Perrone (Catanzaro)
Analysis of miRNA let-7g in ovarian cancer
P1.B.63 • Pier Giorgio Petronini (Parma)
Inhibition of CDK4/6 and AKT pathways as a new approach in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM)
P1.B.64 • Marilina Piemontese (Pozzuoli, NA)
Altered autophagosome-lysosome fusion causes collagen trafficking defect in lysosomal storage diseases
P1.B.65 • Paolo Porporato (Turin)
Targeting mitochondrial ROS generation prevents doxorubicin-induced tumor cell aggressiveness
P1.B.66 • Elisabetta Punzi (Bologna)
Lose it or keep it: how bivalves can provide insights into mitochondrial inheritance mechanisms
P1.B.67 • Margherita Puppo (Genoa)
miRNA-mediated KHSRP silencing rewires distinct post-transcriptional programs during TGF-b-Induced Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
P1.B.68 • Kai Ren (Turin)
A new biological drug to improve CFTR trafficking and alleviate airway obstruction
P1.B.69 • Alice Rossi (Padua)
Familial Alzheimer’s disease - presenilin 2 mutants impair mitochondrial functionality
P1.B.70 • Claudia Semino (Milan)
Vesicle or pore-mediated secretion of the leaderless cytokine IL-1β: a matter of stress
P1.B.71 • Giovanna Sabarese (Rome)
Identification and characterization of the molecular machinery controlling microRNAs sorting in hepatocyte exosomes
P1.B.72 • Krizia Sagini (Perugia)
Extracellular vesicles released by fibroblasts undergoing H-Ras induced senescence show changes in lipid profile: a potential mechanism to stimulate lysophosphatidic receptor signaling in recipient cells?
P1.B.73 • Irene Sambri (Pozzuoli (NA))
m-AAA and i-AAA complexes work coordinately regulating OMA1, the stress activated protease supervising mitochondrial dynamics
P1.B.74 • Elisa Schena (Bologna)
SUN2 localization in the intercalated discs of heart
P1.B.75 • Anna Scotto Rosato (Pozzuoli, NA)
TRPML1 links lysosomal calcium to autophagy initiation
P1.B.76 • Laura Seclì (Turin)
The pro-migratory function of extracellular Morgana in Triple Negative Breast Cancer cells
P1.B.77 • Daria Sicari (Trieste)
Mutant p53 promotes cancer cells survival by dampening the Unfolded Protein Response
P1.B.78 • Mariangela Stasi (Lecce)
Alterations of autophagic flux and endocytic pathway in CMT2B disease
P1.B.79 • Advait Subramanian (Naples)
An autoregulatory signalling network at the Endoplasmic Reticulum couples cargo folding and anterograde transport
P1.B.80 • Claudia Tito (Rome)
Contribution of miR-145-5p/Ago2 complex to the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition
P1.B.81 • Enrica Urciuoli (Rome)
Osteosarcoma-derived Extracellular Vesicles induce tumoral-like phenotypes in normal cells
P1.B.82 • Donatella Valdembri (Candiolo, TO)
PPFIA1 drives active α5β1 integrin recycling controlling fibronectin fibrillogenesis and vascular morphogenesis
P1.B.83 • Chiara Vecchi (Modena)
The CREBH transcription factor functions as sensor for hepcidin activation during iron overload and inflammation
P1.B.84 • Giulia Venturi (Bologna)
Glycosylation and the phenotype of colon cancer cells
P1.B.85 • Sandra Villanueva (Valdivia, Chile)
Respiratory tract distribution of Kir7.1 K+ channelusing a knockin mouse expressing a haemagglutiunin-tagged channel protein
P1.B.86 • Valentina Vultaggio Poma (Ferrara)
Extracellular ATP as a survival factor in cancer progression
P2.A.1 • Oriella Andresini (Rome)
The Long non coding RNA Kcnq1ot1 participates in the regulation of p57 expression during muscle cell differentiation
P2.A.2 • Ambra Antonioni (Rome)
αB-crystallin phosphorylation in skeletal and cardiac muscle depends from redox unbalance: animal and cellular study
P2.A.3 • Veronica Astro (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia)
The lysine specific demethylase LSD1/KDM1A enhances the endodermal commitment of human embryonic stem cells and regulates the differentiation into glucose sensitive cells
P2.A.4 • Stefania Belli (Naples)
Modulation of cancer microenvironment: new decapeptides inhibiting human cancer-associated fibroblasts pro-tumoral activity
P2.A.5 • Beatrice Bodega (Milan)
Epigenetic role of DNA Transposable Elements (TEs) in shaping CD4+ T cell identity and plasticity
P2.A.6 • Gaetano Cairo (Milan)
Intact macrophage iron metabolism is essential for wound healing
P2.A.7 • Marisa Cappella (Monterotondo, RM)
RISCome signature of muscle biopsies from myotonic dystrophy patients reveals functionally relevant microRNA regulated pathways involved in pathogenetic mechanisms
P2.A.8 • Anna Cariboni (Milan)
The role of class 3 semaphorins in the control of GnRH neuron migration and disease: novel insights
P2.A.9 • Cristina Catoni (Padua)
Development of a split-GFP based probe to study protein kinase A (PKA) distribution at the sub-mitochondrial level
P2.A.10 • Marilena Celano (Catanzaro)
Silencing hTERT gene as a strategy to block proliferation and migration of human thyroid cancer cells: a study on in vitro and in vivo experimental models
P2.A.11 • Eleonora Cesari (Rome)
Combinatorial control of Spo11 alternative splicing by modulation of RNA polymerase II dynamics and splicing factor recruitment during meiosis
P2.A.12 • Annunziata Cicatiello (Naples)
The concerted action of type 2 and type 3 deiodinases regulates the cell cycle and survival of basal cell carcinoma cells
P2.A.13 • Caterina Costa (Palermo)
An omic approach to dissect molecular responses to different stresses in embryos and adult immune cells of the Paracentrotus lividus complex gene network
P2.A.14 • Floriana Cremasco (Milan)
The adapter p62 controls antibody immunity
P2.A.15 • Gabriele D'Uva (Milan)
Glucocorticoids modulate NRG1/ERBB2 signalling axis in cardiac muscle cells: implications for heart regeneration
P2.A.16 • Fabio Desideri (Rome)
Analysis of 3D chromatin conformation structures mediated by the long noncoding RNA Charme
P2.A.17 • Emery Di Cicco (Naples)
Cell autonomous control of TH regulates tumor formation, progression and invasion of squamous cell carcinomas
P2.A.18 • Raffaella Di Micco (Milan)
The role of DNA damage response activation in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells biology upon gene-targeting
P2.A.19 • Giovanni Dothel (Bologna)
In vitro models for translational studies on neuroplasticity in functional and organic intestinal disorders
P2.A.20 • Donatella Farini (Rome)
A dynamic splicing program modulated by Sam68 insures proper synaptic connections in the developing cerebellum
P2.A.21 • Monica Forni (Ozzano dell'Emilia)
In vitro proangiogenic effect of vascular wall progenitor cell secretome
P2.A.22 • Mara Gagliardi (Rome)
Aldo-keto reductases confer resistance of human skin melanoma to ferroptosis induction
P2.A.23 • Elena Genovese (Modena)
Deregulated expression of miR-29a-3p, miR-494-3p and miR-660-5p affects sensitivity to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in CML leukemic stem cells
P2.A.24 • Alessia Calcagnì (Naples)
A cellular model of Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis type 3 created by CRISPR-Cas9 provides new insights into disease pathogenesis
P2.A.25 • Ivana Kurelac (Bologna)
Mitochondrial complex I deficient tumors activate stroma-mediated adaptation mechanisms to promote survival via HIF1a-independent angiogenesis
P2.A.26 • Giovanna Lattanzi (Bologna)
Aberrant adipose tissue differentiation and autophagy impairment in LMNA-linked Familial Partial Lipodystrophy type 2
P2.A.27 • Federica Lucini (Milan)
Tracking Polycomb bodies dynamics throughout cell differentiation
P2.A.28 • Valeria Malacarne (Milan)
Diacylglycerol Kinase alpha regulates self-renewal and tumorigenesis of glioblastoma cancer stem cells by controlling a switch for tyrosine Kinase receptors recycling and degradation
P2.A.29 • Jessica Marinello (Bologna)
DNA topoisomerase-mediated transcription-replication conflicts cause DNA damage by a transient increase of R loops and proteasome activity
P2.A.30 • Caterina Miro (Naples)
The modulation of thyroid hormone signaling is essential in balance between quiescence and proliferation in muscle stem cells
P2.A.31 • Giuseppe Morabito (Milan)
Global-scale control of gene expression in the adult mouse nervous system by a single AAV-PHP.B systemic injection enables GBA1 gene therapy for complete protection from synucleopathy
P2.A.32 • Samuele Negro (Padua)
CXCL12α/SDF-1 from perisynaptic schwann cells promotes regeneration after motor axon terminal injury
P2.A.33 • Alessia Niceforo (Rome)
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) and iPSC-derived neurons obtained from patients with Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome reveal alterations of mitochondrial features and cytoskeletal organization
P2.A.34 • Deborah Pajalunga (Rome)
Canonical DNA replication timing is associated with Rif1 expression in cell cycle-reactivated skeletal muscle myotube
P2.A.35 • Simone Patergnani (Ferrara)
Targeting autophagy as new therapeutic approach to recover myelinization in Multiple Sclerosis model
P2.A.36 • Sabrina Petralla (Bologna)
AGC-1 deficiency, a rare genetic demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease: from cell lines and a mouse model to human iPS-derived brain cells
P2.A.37 • Emanuela Pone (Naples)
OCT4 and SOX2 functions in thyroid cancer
P2.A.38 • Alessandra Procopio (Bologna)
Ultrastructural study of biomineralization process in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells during the osteoblastic differentiation
P2.A.39 • Lorena Quirico (Turin)
Ax-miR-based sequence chimeric aptamers for targeted cancer therapy
P2.A.40 • Giovanna Rigillo (Modena)
A role for the transcription factor NF-Y and its splice variants in homeostasis and fate of muscle satellite stem cells
P2.A.41 • Chiara Rossi (Modena)
The role of the axis TGFβ1/miR-382-5p/SOD2 in the induction of oxidative stress in normal and PMF CD34+ cells
P2.A.42 • Michele Sallese (Chieti)
PERK inhibition rescues the morphofunctional alterations of the secretory pathway, attenuates cell death induced by loss of SIL1, and improves motor function in a mouse model of Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome
P2.A.43 • Emanuela Scavo (Palermo)
Identifying the thyroid tumor initiation model: stem cells as target of genetic alterations?
P2.A.44 • Ram Shankaraiah (Ferrara)
Metformin prevents hepatocellular carcinoma development in a transgenic mouse model of cirrhosis
P2.A.45 • Marco Stazi (Padua)
Neuronal hydrogen peroxide triggers cytoskeletal remodeling and local translation of Anxa2 in schwann cells
P2.A.46 • Ludovica Taglieri (Rome)
The inhibition of kinesin Eg5 induces decrease of proliferation, late apoptotic cell death and reduction of invasive phenotype in human glioblastoma cells
P2.A.47 • Mauro Tognon (Ferrara)
Human adipose stem cells induced to the osteogenic differentiation by an innovative collagen/hydroxylapatite hybrid scaffold
P2.A.48 • Eliana Trapani (Orbassano, TO)
Loss of KRIT1 causes the activation of an adaptive cellular response involving Nrf2, Glo1 and AP-modified Hsp27/Hsp70 proteins, which counteracts oxidative and glycative stress but sensitizes cells to further oxidative challenges
P2.A.49 • Larissa Vallone (Florence)
Combined use in vitro of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as possible therapeutic tool for skeletal muscle repair/regeneration
P2.A.50 • Valentina Zamboni (Turin)
Loss of the negative Rac-GTPase regulator ArhGAP15 results in delayed elongation and reduced complexity of pyramidal neuron projections, associated with altered actin dynamic at the growth cone
P2.A.51 • Jacopo Zasso (Trento)
Identification of REST-regulated molecular circuitries and targets exploitable
for Glioma Stem Cells-targeted therapies
P2.B.1 • Francesco Agostini (Aviano, PN)
Impact of SRGF as medium additive on adipose mesenchymal stromal cell properties of homing on cancer, cell activation and extracellular matrix deposition
P2.B.2 • Lidia Avalle (Turin)
MicroRNAs-143 and -145 induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition and modulate the expression of junction proteins
P2.B.3 • Anush Bakunts (Milan)
How the unfolded protein response achieves homeostatic readjustment of the endoplasmic reticulum
P2.B.4 • Elisa Barbieri (Milan)
Calcium and mitochondria role in EGFR endocytosis
P2.B.5 • Cecilia Battistelli (Rome)
A lncRNA-mediated interaction between Snail and Ezh2 governs epigenetic modifications causal to EMT
P2.B.6 • Irene Bertolini (Milan)
V-ATPase proton pump regulates exosomes signalling in human glioma stem cells
P2.B.7 • Milena Bertolotti (Freiburg, Germany)
The nanoscale organization of the BCR and its proximity to inhibitory receptors and redox regulators
P2.B.8 • Martina Bonucci (Paris, France)
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: molecular targets of mTORC1 and the role of S6 Kinases
P2.B.9 • Valentina Buemi (Trieste)
Telomere regulation by the RNA methyltransferase TGS1
P2.B.10 • Chiara Camillo (Candiolo, TO)
Latrophilin 2 mediates repulsive signaling in endothelial cells and controls blood vessel guidance
P2.B.11 • Ernestina Capuano (Rome)
Development of a combination strategy based on ER and oxidative stress in acute myeloid leukemia
P2.B.12 • Laura Cassina (Milan)
Defective mitochondrial structure and function might explain the metabolic derangement in Polycystic Kidney Disease
P2.B.13 • Giorgia Centonze (Turin)
p140Cap adaptor protein modulate mevalonate pathway in a breast cancer context
P2.B.14 • Romina Cervigni (Milan)
PRRT2, a component of the Ca2+-dependent release machinery, regulates synapse formation through modulation of cofilin activity
P2.B.15 • Francesca Chiarini (Bologna)
Lamin A/C expression in normal and transformed osteoblasts
P2.B.16 • Michela Ciano & Simona Allocca (Naples)
AlphaB-crystallin derived peptide: new therapeutic perspective for the most frequent Wilson disease-causing ATP7B mutation
P2.B.17 • Fabiana Clapero (Candiolo, TO)
PPFIA1 regulates VEGFR2 endo-exocytic traffic and signaling
P2.B.18 • Alessandro Colapietro (L'Aquila)
In vitro and in vivo effects of EphA2 inhibition on colorectal cancer cell models
P2.B.19 • Francesco Consolato (Milan)
The serine protease hepsin mediates shedding and polymerization of pancreatic glycoprotein-2
P2.B.20 • Agnese Corbetta (Milan)
Implication of membane-less organelles in the regulation of cell migration
P2.B.21 • Mariangela Corricelli (Ferrara)
Role of Src kinase in the regulation of calcium homeostasis
P2.B.22 • Andrea Costamagna (Turin)
Understanding the role of BCAR1 in pancreatic cancer: when synonymous not always means the same
P2.B.23 • Eleonora D'Ambra (Rome)
Study of circular RNAs function in murine motor neurons
P2.B.24 • Veronica D'Uva (Milan)
A novel Numb-Mdm2 interaction surface reveals a critical role of Numb isoforms in breast tumorigenesis
P2.B.25 • Giuseppina De Feudis (Rome)
KCASH2 interacts with and modulates MAD2 activity on cell cycle regulation
P2.B.26 • Chiara De Leonibus (Pozzuoli, NA)
Unravelling the role of Arylsulfatase E (ARSE) in bone mineralization and development
P2.B.27 • Agnese De Mario (Padua)
Mitochondrial calcium uniporter modulators and their effects on cells growth and migration
P2.B.28 • Lucia De Stephanis (Ferrara)
The combined treatment with chloroquine and sunitinib enhances the inhibition of proliferation and migration of kidney carcinoma cells
P2.B.29 • Rosaria Di Martino (Naples)
Control systems regulating export from the TGN: a role of the orphan receptor GPRC5A in basolateral cargo delivery and cell polarity
P2.B.30 • Fiorella Faienza (Rome)
AMBRA1 is phosphorylated at mitosis by mitotic kinases CDK1 and PLK1
P2.B.31 • Marco Fantuz (Trieste)
Alterations of the secretory pathway induced by missense mutant-p53
P2.B.32 • Alessandra Ferraresi (Novara)
Resveratrol contrasts IL6-induced ovarian cancer cell motility through epigenetic up-regulation of autophagy and inhibition of glucose uptake
P2.B.33 • Giulia Fianco (Rome)
Caspase-8 expression promotes neo-angiogenesis, tumor progression and chemotherapy resistance in human glioblastoma
P2.B.34 • Mario Fogazza (Bologna)
Human and murine cell models for the study of OPA1 pathogenic mutations
P2.B.35 • Miriam Formica (Milan)
A Drosophila model to understand the role of autophagy in Glioblastoma
P2.B.36 • Luz Fuentealba (Santiago, Chile)
OCRL effects in ApoER2 traffic and Reelin Signaling
P2.B.37 • Federica Fusella (Turin)
The IKK/ NF-κB signalling pathway requires Morgana to drive breast cancer metastasis
P2.B.38 • Gennaro Gambardella (Pozzuoli, NA)
The transcription factor TFEB regulates the sequential transcription of endomembrane system components and unfolded protein response effectors
P2.B.39 • Giovanni Giangreco (Milan)
Epn3 role in breast cancer and in the physiology of the mammary gland
P2.B.40 • Tiziana Guarnieri (Bologna)
The cross talk between interleukin 6/STAT3 signalling pathway and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) suggests a role for AhR in the modulation of the inflammatory response in human breast cells
P2.B.41 • Sreeharsha Gurrapu (Candiolo, TO)
Semaphorin 4C and Plexin B2 signaling axis mediates Epithelial to Mesenchymal transition and de-differentiation in breast cancer cells
P2.B.42 • Emilio Hirsch (Turin)
Inhalation of the prodrug PI3K inhibitor CL27c improves lung function in asthma and fibrosis
P2.B.43 • Paola Infante (Rome)
Itch/βarrestin2-dependent non-proteolytic ubiquitylation of SuFu controls Hedgehog signalling and medulloblastoma tumourigenesis
P2.B.44 • Raffaele La Montagna (Pozzuoli, NA)
The ER 4-phosphatase Sac1 acts in trans on Golgi PI4P at the ER-Golgi membrane contact sites
P2.B.45 • Mattia Lauriola (Bologna)
Unveiling the role of Interleukin-1 Receptor in response to EGFR blockade
P2.B.46 • Signe Lolle (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Elucidation of the relation between human FAPP2 and autophagy
P2.B.47 • Paolo Maiuri (Milan)
Nuclear polarity: does it exist?
P2.B.48 • Saverio Marchi (Ferrara)
Akt-mediated phosphorylation of MICU1 regulates mitochondrial Ca2+ levels and tumor growth
P2.B.49 • Simona Martinotti (Alessandria)
Metabolic pattern and eIF6 depletion: is there an interconnection?
A multi-approaches definition
P2.B.50 • Silvia Masciarelli (Rome)
Retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide sensitize acute promyelocytic leukemia cells to ER stress.
P2.B.51 • Elena Maspero (Milan)
HECW1 role in autophagy and neurodegeneration
P2.B.52 • Filippo Mirabella (Rozzano, MI)
Inflammation and synaptogenesis: the role of Interleukin-6 in developing neurons
P2.B.53 • Giampaolo Morciano (Ferrara)
C subunit of F1/FO-ATP synthase as target for the design of new pharmacological approaches: therapeutic implications in the treatment of myocardial infarction
P2.B.54 • Valentina Morra (Pozzuoli, NA)
Role of OCRL in neurons
P2.B.55 • Monica Nanni (Rome)
Role of FGFR2b in the crosstalk between autophagy and differentiation: involvement of JNK signaling
P2.B.56 • Aurora Paiano (Lecce)
Role of RAB7A in chemoresistance
P2.B.57 • Giorgia Pallafacchina (Padua)
Loss-of-function mutations in the SIGMAR1 gene cause distal hereditary motor neuropathy by impairing ER-mitochondria tethering and Ca2+ signalling
P2.B.58 • Francesca Papacci (Rome)
Unravelling calcium signalling complexity during angiogenesis: a novel inhibitor of two-pore channel 2
P2.B.59 • Francesca Paradisco (Milan)
SQSTM1/p62 mediates a novel vital integration of protein and mitochondrial homeostasis
P2.B.60 • Raffaele Pastore (Pozzuoli, NA)
Generation of new cellular models for the study of lysosomal dysfunction in Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs)
P2.B.61 • Anna Pegoraro (Ferrara)
P2X7 receptor isoforms A and B as novel biomarkers of acute myeloid leukemia response to chemotherapy
P2.B.63 • Marialaura Petroni (Rome)
A novel granule cell progenitors culture method for investigating Hedgehog pathway in cerebellar development and tumorigenesis
P2.B.64 • Eleonora Petti (Rome)
Role of TRF2 in cancer aggressiveness
P2.B.65 • Valeria Poli (Turin)
STAT3 non canonical functions in regulating calcium signaling and resistance to apoptosis
P2.B.66 • Valentina Prando (Padua)
Dysfunction of the mitochondrial optic atrophy-1 protein (Opa1) alters the neurogenic control of heart function
P2.B.67 • Emanuela Pupo (Candiolo, TO)
Role of Kinesin-II in prophase
P2.B.68 • Sofia Raniolo (Rome)
Selective targeting of doxorubicin-loaded folate-functionalized DNA nanocages in αFR-overexpressing cancer cells
P2.B.69 • Riccardo Rizzo (Naples)
Molecular mechanism of GOLPH3 mediated oncogenesis
P2.B.70 • Massimo Rosso (Trieste)
Novel role of pseudogenes in controlling Oct4 expression and stemness
P2.B.71 • Simone Sabbioni (Milan)
Characterization of the role of a RBX1/FBXW8-based SCF complex in mediating Numb degradation in breast cancer
P2.B.72 • Kristyna Sala (Milan)
Liprin-α1, ERC1 and LL5 identify a novel compartment that promotes the dynamics and function of invadosomes
P2.B.73 • Luigi Sbano (Ferrara)
TFEB-mediated increase in peripheral lysosomes regulates store-operated calcium entry
P2.B.74 • Irene Schiano Lomoriello (Milan)
A novel role of the endocytic protein Epsin3 in breast tumorigenesis through regulation of mammary epithelial stem cells
P2.B.75 • Elena Scremin (Padua)
Calcium dyshomeostasis in familial Alzheimer’s disease mouse models based on mutant presenilin-2 and amyloid precursor protein: focus on the store-operated calcium channel subunit Orai2
P2.B.76 • Valentina Semeghini (Modena)
Expression and role of alternative NF-Y splice variants in human prostate cancer
P2.B.77 • Amata Amy Soriano (Naples)
Signaling pathways downstream of PAX8 involved in ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma
P2.B.78 • Raffaele Strippoli (Rome)
HDAC1 inhibition promotes EMT reversal and limits cellular invasion hampering Snail activity in mesothelial cells
P2.B.79 • Tiziana Tempio (Milan)
ERp44 controls Zinc Homeostasis in Early Secretory Pathway
P2.B.80 • Lorena Urbanelli (Perugia)
Extracellular vesicles biogenesis and release in drug induced phospholipidosis
P2.B.81 • Nicola Vajente (Padua)
Looking for a common pathway in hereditary axonopathies: role of ER shaping proteins on cellular Ca2+ homeostasis
P2.B.82 • Elena Valentino (Trieste)
Mutant p53 potentiates the oncogenic effects of insulin by inhibiting the tumor suppressor DAB2IP
P2.B.83 • Rossella Venditti (Pozzuoli, NA)
Structural and functional regulation of endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi contact sites by VAP proteins and the Golgi PI4P sensor FAPP1
P2.B.84 • Santina Venuto (San Giovanni Rotondo)
Dissecting TRIM8 functions in the mitotic spindle regulation
P2.B.85 • Ilaria Virdia (Rome)
The centrosomal localization of p53 is critical for spindle pole integrity in human untransformed cells but not in cancer cells
P2.B.86 • Claudia Zanna (Bologna)
The long and short OPA1 isoforms in network morphology, fusion and energetics