ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio Italiane) is sponsoring a limited number of research prizes for young investigators thanks to the "Young Investigator Training Program". Awardees (max. age 40 years and working outside Italy) will be selected amongst applicants who attend the ABCD meeting and choose to spend a period of one month in a hosting laboratory in order to strengthen collaboration and research networks among international research institutions.
Each prize will be worth 3,000 Euro (European) or 4,000 Euro (overseas). The money will be given to the awardee after their participation in the meeting and the stay of one month in the host laboratory in Italy, so awardees will have to pre-finance their attendance at the meeting and the one-month stay in a host laboratory. The awardee will be hosted in a laboratory of one the following institutions and should express their preferences by creating a ranking list of the institutions where they would like to be hosted:
Upon registration for the ABCD 2017 Congress you will receive an email with (among other things) your personal reference code. In order to participate in the selection for the assignment of the research prize, please send an email to Dr Castello ( ), including your personal reference code, a CV, an abstract (max. 1 page of your research project) and a motivational letter. Please indicate "ACRI YITP application" in the subject of the email; applications with a different subject will not be taken in consideration.